Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (Juliet and Friar Lawrence)
Juliet is in love with Romeo. Romeo has been banished from Verona. The Prince says: "Immediately we do exile him hence." Juliet has to merry Paris, but she doesn't want. Friar Lawrence, one of her closest friends says that he has a plan. He makes a potion that will make Juliet sleep for two days and it will make her feel cold. She will apperar dead, even though she isn't. Juliet had a fight with his father because she didn't want to merry Paris. Friar Lawrence says:" Go home, be merry, give consent to merry Paris." In this way when she will be found dead, people won't think she has done it on purpose. Friar Lawrence is a really nice guy and he has a lot of courage because if he was caught making that potion for her, he would be killed. Juliet doesn't have a good relationship with her parents, and sees Friar Lawrence like a father. If Friar Lawrence didn't exist, Juliet would have been lost, without someone to guide her and give her counsils on what to do.
At Wednesday, December 13, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Ciao stefano!!! I like your blog. You don't have grammar errors, but you made some errors regarding the story. Friar LAurence surely didn't have courage when he left Jiliet in the chapel at the end. And the potion lasts two days! by!
At Wednesday, December 13, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Hi stefano! She takes the potion for and it last for 2 days not three..Aand if he got caught giving Juliet the potion he would have been killed....for all the rest it wads great
At Friday, December 15, 2006, said…
Great job on your Romeo and Juliets essay. You have almost no mistakes: well done!
At Monday, January 29, 2007,
Francesca said…
Good job Stefano! Your entry is well written and your thoughts are well organized.
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