Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Novel 7 Dreaming in Black and White

The protagonist of this book is a young, disabled boy named Hannes. He dreams to be taken back in time when there was the Third Reich. In this dream he fears the Nazis because Hitler didn't want disabled men and children; he wanted only perfect human beings. He thought that there was no room for disabled people. Hannes' school recommends him to think that the school is his home because of his disabilities. But Hannes knows that they say this because they want him to go there to kill him eventually. Hitler says that it doesn't have sense to spend money on disabled people because a family could do more things with the same money. A friend of his mom told her that if she loves her child (Hannes) she shouldn't leave him go at this school because the Nazis built a crematorium near to this school. He says that it has been built to kill the disabled children that go to this school. At the end Hannes wants that someone signs the contract to make him go to this school. His dream is coming to an end but he still thinks how bad disabled people were treaten.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Italian Entry: Analisis del Periodo

In Italian we are doing the (analisi del periodo). In the (analisi del periodo) you need to identify and separate each proposition. To divide them you put one 'slash' after each proposition. After the end of the (periodo), you put two 'slashes'. You also need to underline each verb. Remember that there is a proposition for each verb. Then you have to identify the (proposizione principale). After this you need to find the other types of propositions. There are two types of propositions: (coordinative) and (subordinate). You also have to specify to what the proposition is related or linked. (proposizioni principali) can't be linked to other propositions. (Subordinate) and (coordinate) can be related to each other. You also need to specify if the (proposizione coordinativa) or (subordinata) is (soggettiva) or (oggettiva). The proposition is (soggettiva) when the subject is not in the (proposizione principale). If the subject is in the (proposizione principale) then the proposition is (oggettiva). The last thing you need to identify is if the proposition is (implicita) or (esplicita). The proposition is (esplicita) if the person of the verb is clarily distinguished, otherwise it is (implicita).

Social Studies: World War II and the rise of Hitler

World War II, or the Second World War, was a worldwide conflict that was fought between the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers, from 1939 until 1945. The three major Axis Powers were Nazi Germany, dictated by Adolf Hitler, Fascist Italy, dictated by Benito Mussolini, and the Empire of Japan, dictated by Emperor Meiji, Emperor Taisho and Emperor Showa. The Allied Powers were all the rest of the world: North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Hitler was born in Austria in 1889. He used propaganda and charismatic oratory to convince people of his view. After the death of his parents, in 1913 Hitler moved to Munich. When the war started, he volunteered in a Bavarian regiment. After the war he was a member of the Freikorps. In 1919 he joined the German Workers party that then became the NSDAP or Nazi Party. In 1925 Hitler seized leadership of a reorganized and newly-legalized Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. Hitler then lost the elections of 1932. He was made Chancellor in January 30, 1993. In March 5, 1933 elections, the Nationalist German Workers Party won. This is how Hitler rose to power of Germany.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Science entry: motors

My science project is based on motors. I am doing my project with another classmate: Giulio.
may seem complex but really aren't. To make a motor you need a battery, a pen, a magnet, a 60cm wire, a rubber band and two paper clips. First you bend them to make a W with them. Then, with a rubber band you attach one paperclip on the positive (+) of the battery and the second on the negative (-) sign of the battery. Then you put the magnet on the battery. It will stick because of its magnetic field. Then you will coil the wire around a pen. After this, the wire will be coiled up, and you will uncoil 5cm on each of the two ends of the wire. Then you will remove 2cm of the insulation from each of the two ends of the wire. Then you will put the coil of wire on hte two paper clips and it will start spinning. If you want to make it stop you just need to take the coil of wire away from the paperclips.