Arts Block entry
In arts block we are doing one of Shakespeare's plays: A Mid Summer Night
Dream. In this play I am the stage manager but I also have two little parts in the play. My two parts are: Starveling and Peaseblossom. This play will be performed in a theater in my city. It will last for an hour and a half. I will appear for one minute in all the play. However I will be for all the play in the backstage helping with props, costumes, music and light. There is a lot of work to do but I like it. I like finding myself with a friend, Michele that is doing lights in this play to prepare for the play. Last year I was the stage manager in another play and Michele was doing the lights. We found ourselves to find sound effects and organize the play to make it the best possible. It was really fun and I enjoyed it!

At Friday, February 09, 2007,
Dear stefano
The spelling and grammar usage in your entry is very good. Try to add more deatail ion your entry.
Best Regards
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