Italian Entry: Analisis del Periodo
In Italian we are doing the (analisi del periodo). In the (analisi del periodo) you need to identify and separate each proposition. To divide them you put one 'slash' after each proposition. After the end of the (periodo), you put two 'slashes'. You also need to underline each verb. Remember that there is a proposition for each verb. Then you have to identify the (proposizione principale). After this you need to find the other types of propositions. There are two types of propositions: (coordinative) and (subordinate). You also have to specify to what the proposition is related or linked. (proposizioni principali) can't be linked to other propositions. (Subordinate) and (coordinate) can be related to each other. You also need to specify if the (proposizione coordinativa) or (subordinata) is (soggettiva) or (oggettiva). The proposition is (soggettiva) when the subject is not in the (proposizione principale). If the subject is in the (proposizione principale) then the proposition is (oggettiva). The last thing you need to identify is if the proposition is (implicita) or (esplicita). The proposition is (esplicita) if the person of the verb is clarily distinguished, otherwise it is (implicita).
At Wednesday, January 31, 2007,
Matteo Z said…
Dear Stefano
I onestly didn't think that one could write a blog entry on grammar. Check only the content.
Best Regards
At Monday, February 05, 2007,
Alessandra B said…
I don't think you chose the right topic on which to write your entry...
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